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I had left New Delhi for the Himalayas. I was going as far as Bareilly by train and then by car to Ranikhet-an old British Army hill station located on a 6,foot ridge opposite a mile stretch of snow-capped Himalayas. The train was slow; and it stops at all the way stations.
At every stop I swung open the door of my compartment, and walked the platform. The platforms were packed with people- Sikhs, Muslims, Hindus; Soldiers, merchants, priests, porters, beggars, hawkers. Almost everyone was barefoot and dressed in loose white garments. I would ask at least three people before I could find one who spoke English.
We would talk world affairs and every major topic. In this way I was trying to get a feel of the pulse of the nation, checking opinion against official attitudes and reports. Es können nur einzelne Videos der jeweiligen Plattformen eingebunden werden, nicht jedoch Playlists, Streams oder Übersichtsseiten. Es können nur einzelne Beiträge der jeweiligen Plattformen eingebunden werden, nicht jedoch Übersichtsseiten. Autor: macrina weer aus Alzenau. Weitere Beiträge zu den Themen.
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